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From: fdc@columbia.edu (Frank da Cruz)
Subject: Re: IBM 3705 EP Questions
Date: 5 May 2001 16:36:59 GMT
Organization: Columbia University
Message-ID: <9d1a7b$5pb$1@newsmaster.cc.columbia.edu>
To: kermit.misc@columbia.edu
In article <3af33bb3.6404352@news.mw.mediaone.net>,
Jim Howell <jhowell39@mediaone.net> wrote:
: I need to be able to connect PC's running NT to an old IBM system that
: is using 3705 EP with TWX TTY and has CICS talking to BTAM, whew!
: Since the IBM stuff is unsupported and will not be upgraded in the
: foreseeable future I'm finding myself up the proverbial creek. Does
: anyone know of any software that might get this done? The only hint
: that I've been able to get from the web is that kermit scripts might
: do it, but I'd certainly appreciate anyone's input at this point.
(And then later...)
: Unfortunately we can't replace anything. The 3705 sits at a
: remote site that we want to connect to. Typically, for EDI I would
: use ProComm to establish a dial-up and go from there. I did submit an
: e-mail to the Kermit Project enquiring whether the Kermit 95 product
: would support the TWX TTY emulation. If it does, then we would be
: more than happy to learn about kermit scripting<g>.
It's not a question of scripting. The short answer is: Kermit will
probably work, but you'll have to try it to make sure. The long answer
We had a 3705 here twenty-some years ago, and had the recently mentioned
Hazeltine 2000 terminals attached to its ASCII ports. The H2000 is a
regular plain old ASCII terminal, so if it can be used, so can Kermit.
Note that terminal emulation does not even enter into the equation.
This type of connection is half-duplex, line-at-a-time, 7-bits-with-parity.
There is nothing terminal-specific about it.
Therefore you should be able to use any terminal emulator that supports
half duplex, local echo, 7x1 (where x usually = M), and the appropriate
speeds (usually 1200, 4800, or 9600 bps).
The interesting part comes if you also want to transfer files over the
connection. In this case, I would venture to say that Kermit is
uniquely suited for this task, since operation through 3705 linemode
connections was one of the original design constraints for Kermit
protocol and software.
Reliable file transfer (i.e. with error detection and correction) with
the mainframe requires the CICS version of Kermit on the far end:
Unreliable (non-error-checked) transfers can also be done in case the
mainframe does not have CICS Kermit (but I would not recommend
unreliable file-transfer methods for EDI applications).
A special group of settings is used on the PC's Kermit program, usually
something like:
set part mark
set duplex half
set handshake xon
set prefixing all
set window 1
These are explained the Kermit manuals and books. We used Kermit in this
environment for many years, until the 3705s were phased out, but with a
different OS on the mainframe (OS/MVT and then VM/CMS, rather than CICS).
- Frank